Today, it seems many of those in powerful leadership positions in both government and the private sector have all but abandoned honor, dignity, integr...
Tuesday, August 15, 2023The way we were…
Often times it’s good to see where you’ve been to understand where you are going. As this radio program and podcast closes in on our third anniversary...
Monday, August 14, 2023We are not for sale. No paywall here.
From the very beginning of Truth to Ponder, it has been offered to you free of charge. We have never sold “premium content” or insider information. We...
Sunday, August 13, 2023How long, Lord? How long must we face difficulty and hurt in our lives?
On today’s “Message from Trinity Chapel,” host of Truth to Ponder and Pastor of Trinity Chapel, Bob Biermann, shares a very needed message for hurting...
Friday, August 11, 2023What is the driving force in your life?
On this weekend edition of Truth to Ponder, Bob shares his thoughts on the things that drive us, the challenges we face, and how those that follow Chr...
Thursday, August 10, 2023A popular guest is back on the program.
Today, Bob welcomes a great friend of the program and popular guest, Dr. William Wong, back to the program. In the past, Bob and Dr. Wong have shared ...
Wednesday, August 9, 2023Keeping it Simple
Today, guest host, Jim Calhoun talks about keeping things simple in this complex time we live. On the second half of the show, Jim gives his thoughts...
Tuesday, August 8, 2023The collapsing narrative of the Economy, Ukraine, and Integrity.
To believe the world economy is going great and everyone is doing financially well is one of the greatest news cycle “spins” we have seen in our natio...
Monday, August 7, 2023Chronicling the Crazy and contemplating the future.
At the end of this month, Truth to Ponder will have completed three full years of broadcasting. It has been an honor and privilege to provide you with...
Sunday, August 6, 2023The Sunday Message from Trinity Chapel 08/06/2023
Trinity Chapel Pastor, and Truth to Ponder host, Bob Biermann, shares a vital message on the importance of “Discipleship.” Being a true disciple is mo...
Friday, August 4, 2023What consumes your mind?
For many, we are bombarded daily by “gloom and doom” news, tantalizing clickbait stories, and predictions of a disaster coming our way, often disaster...
Thursday, August 3, 2023China “Cha-Ching” And Other Clandestine Corruption
Over the past few weeks, we have watched a slowly evolving and changing narrative come from the Whitehouse. While it may appear subtle on the surface,...