You Will Comply

Back in the year 2020, people eagerly awaited the possibility of a real vaccine that would end the COVID nightmare that had been unleashed on the world. Little did most people know what a danger fraud was about to be virtually forced on humanity. They forced you to comply with every unscientific and ridiculous COVID mandate. They tried to force you into taking an experimental treatment that could be deadly. They lied about the efficacy of this supposed vaccine, they lied about how it would stop the spread. They lied about the unprecedented dangers. Today, Bob welcomes Edward Szall from “The Agenda” to share more on this often-forgotten topic. We can never forget. Bob also shares his thoughts on where our future could be headed.

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Information about Trinity Chapel, where Bob is pastor, can be found at

Truth to Ponder

“Truth to Ponder” is both a Radio Show and Podcast addressing some of the most incredible issues facing our nation and our world today. We live in a t...

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