Willfully deceived

There are many people today allowing themselves to be “willfully deceived.” They believe the media narratives are without question, even when the narratives are contradictory. They live in fear of the next global crisis. Then there are those that go through life clueless and unquestioning of anything. Over the past 50 or so years, we have permitted our educational systems to cease teaching facts, knowledge, and critical thinking. As a result, we have become a much weaker people. Please remember, we are only on the air because of your faithful support. You can keep us on the air and as a podcast by visiting our website, https://truth2ponder.com/support. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness to this ministry.

Truth to Ponder

“Truth to Ponder” is both a Radio Show and Podcast addressing some of the most incredible issues facing our nation and our world today. We live in a t...

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