“Eternal Father, Strong to Save” Plus memories of a gentler time…

The events that unfolded on Thursday August 26, 2021, shocked many Americans. What appears to be a suicide bomber took the lives of at least 13 US servicemen and a number of Afghan citizens. All those solders who lost their lives had fully expected to be leaving Afghanistan in just a matter of days. Sadly, their lives were tragically cut short. Today, on the first half of the program, Bob ponders those losses, and asks the question was it necessary or available. On the second half of the program Bob shares from his heart a special day that occurred 46 years ago this weekend. Perhaps Bob’s sharing may be an encouragement to you.

Truth to Ponder

“Truth to Ponder” is both a Radio Show and Podcast addressing some of the most incredible issues facing our nation and our world today. We live in a t...

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