Close call

On Thursday it was announced that a tentative contract was reached with the unions representing railroad workers in the United States. What many people have not understood is what the negative impact would have been to the already fragile economy had that agreement not been reached. Most people have no idea of how vital the rail link is in our nations supply chain. This would have devastated food prices, gasoline prices, and much more, and while this strike has been averted for now, it still could happen in the future. This begs the question, are you prepared for lean times? Please remember, we are only on the air because of your faithful support. You can keep us on the air and as a podcast by visiting our website, Thank you in advance for your faithfulness to this ministry.

Truth to Ponder

“Truth to Ponder” is both a Radio Show and Podcast addressing some of the most incredible issues facing our nation and our world today. We live in a t...

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